Pandora – Charlene Trolinder

Nicole Lyons



They stared at her with

inquisitive eyes.

She seemed so simple


submissive, but she

had this complicatedness about her.

Her mind’s thoughts and ideas would

terrify while inspiring.

A methodical empty need

to hide her needs, wants, and

desires made her the master of her own


She navigated a purposeful

overshadowing of her soul because

she knew her greatest ambitions would

be fulfilled while standing

in the shadows of a

broken heart. There was a

mystical almost divineness

about her that few could resist

intertwined with a darkness that could

destroy them.

Few were ever allowed into

the inner sanctums of her

being, for fear of being broken

for her secrets. As they stared with

fixated expressions of horror and

amazement, they spoke with cold

confused words, “Who are you?”

She turned slowly

toward them with

an emotionless face and

pain filled eyes and softly replied,


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